Japan International Best Seller & Author of Happy Money

Ken Honda was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” career, impacting millions by helping them heal their relationship with money, was about to begin.  

Ken Honda is a bestselling author of self-development books in Japan, where he has sold more than seven million books since 2001. While his financial expertise comes from owning and managing several businesses, his writings bridge the topics of finance and self-help, focusing on creating and generating personal wealth and happiness through deeper self-honesty.

How KEN's career started?

That career started innocently enough on a beautiful, sunny day. Ken took his daughter to the park to play. While there, he witnessed a mother and her young daughter, who was about the same age as Ken’s daughter, fighting.

The mother was upset and in a hurry. She yelled, “Your mom has to go to work! So, let’s go home.” But her daughter kept saying, “We just got here. I want to play more. Please?”

After a few minutes of battle, the reluctant girl was dragged home.

Ken felt so terrible for the little girl and her mother for having to choose her job over an afternoon playing with her child, he decided he needed to do something. Not just for that mother but for all the parents and people struggling to make ends meet. He wanted to take away everyone’s pain and frustration and stress around money.

So, that day, after he finished playing with his daughter in the park, he sat down and wrote an essay about all the wisdom he gained over the years about making money and becoming prosperous.

That essay was the start of what would become Happy Money, the book you see here now.

Your journey to happy money starts here

You don’t have to settle. Or struggle. Or be unhappy with your money.

You can feel supported by your money. You can feel peace around your money. You and your money can even be friends!

It doesn’t matter how stressed or hopeless you feel about money right now. You CAN have Happy Money.

And it all starts the moment you crack open the Happy Money book.

You’ll have more money because Happy Money will joyfully flow into your life.

Your relationships will start to improve. You’ll feel more delight, more peace and more contentment. Before you know it, you’ll realize you’re now living a happy life.

If you’re ready to experience that shift and stop repelling unconsciously repelling money from coming to you, take a moment to order a copy of the Happy Money book today.

Your money will thank you


Ken’s story

Even as a child, Ken was noticing the difference between happy money and unhappy money.

When he was eight, he worked in his father’s successful accounting practice. His job was to serve the clients tea, which allowed him to get to know his father’s clients.

He saw how some of them were always irritated, rushed and hurried, and others were relaxed and peaceful. He also noticed how over time, some of the clients became more wealthy whereas others went the other way.

In college, he also witnessed this dichotomy in wealthy people–happy and unhappy. This continued until the day he met a woman at a party who described the money in his wallet as “happy money.”

Ah ha!

Money is energy. It can be happy or unhappy.

When you adjust your perspective on money you can see it as positive and negative flows based on the energy you have when receiving and spending your money.

When you receive and spend well you generally have a happy life. Conversely, if you are always feeling tension or fear around spending and receiving, chances are you are holding that energy through most situations.

Happy Money is your invitation to let the unhappy money go and begin bringing in happy money and a sense of freedom.

Ken has impacted millions with his message, selling over 8 million books worldwide.


“Whatever happens, you can say thank you. Thank you are two most powerful words that will help you to start to transform your relationship with money.”

–Ken Honda

About National Achievers Congress

The National Achievers Congress by Success Resources, now in it's 30th year,  is not just an event; it's an extraordinary celebration of the human spirit, a testament to the relentless pursuit of greatness. Proudly hosting millions of people and the world's most  notorious leaders from industry titans and financial wizards to motivational icons and entrepreneurial geniuses, the National Achievers Congress boasts an unrivaled lineup of speakers who have shaped the course of history with their audacity and determination.

The National Achievers Congress 2024 features esteemed authorities such as Robert Kiyosaki, Ken Honda, Robert G. Allen & other wealth experts to guide participants through a powerful 2-day process, waking the enlightened entrepreneur and investor inside you.

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