AI Superhuman™️

Date: November  2023 
Program duration: once a week 

AI Superhuman™️ is a yearly membership program designed to help you achieve mastery in the field of AI and make you 100x or even 1000x more effective in achieving your business plans and goals.

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or just someone looking to take your career to the next level, AI Super Human™️ will give you understanding and insight into what AI is and how you can apply it every day in your life and your business to dramatically improve your efficiency, your decision-making, and ultimately the results that you get.
  • The Generative AI Revolution: AI has just become a tool for everybody. The advent of generative AI allows you to use simple conversational prompts to get AI to perform a wide variety of tasks for you. This makes every job or task you do easier, more efficient, and of higher quality.
  • AI and Content Creation: You will learn how to use AI to generate new business ideas, create strategies, generate content, improve your existing work product, and automate a large variety of tasks that are filling up your day. 
  • How to Not Be Replaced By AI: McKinsey says that over 800 million jobs are at risk of being replaced by AI. You do not want to be one of them. The secret is to learn to collaborate with AI and become better together. AI Super Human™️ will teach you how to communicate effectively with AI—how to speak in ways that AI can understand—opening up AI as a tool that empowers you.
  • AI and the Future: Business owners, entrepreneurs, and business professionals alike, will can gain important insights into the potential applications of AI in their industry and how to prepare their businesses for a future powered by AI.
  • The Excitement of AI: Elon Musk—the richest man in the world—said, “AI is the most important thing humanity has ever worked on.” He also recently tweeted, “I used to be in crypto, but now I got interested in AI.” This is the biggest revolution of our lifetimes, and probably the biggest revolution in the lifetimes of any humans that have ever lived. More real wealth will be created in the next 5 years than in the past 50. And that is going to go to those who learn how to use these tools early on. If you missed out on the PC revolution, and missed out on the Internet revolution, the AI revolution is your chance to make up lost time and become and AI Super Human™️!!!




  • Introducing ChatGPT, a cutting-edge generative AI technology that has taken the world by storm and is literally transforming every industry and every job.

    In Segment 1: ChatGPT Mastery, you will learn how to get the most out of ChatGPT, including how to use it to generate product ideas, formulate business strategies, generate content, automate email responses, create social media posts, and much, much more, all with the right commands to get your desired results. 

    AI Super Human™️ will unlock this amazing tool for you unlike any other course on the market today.

    The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its applications and includes hands-on exercises to reinforce learning.

    You will literally be using AI yourself from the very first day!!!



  • In Segment 2: AI in Art and Design, you will be introduced to Midjourney and other generative AI technologies used for creating AI-based art and design. You will learn how to use Midjourney to create unique and captivating digital art pieces, including 3D models, animations, and more.

    Using these tools can make you a more effective communicator in every way, from creating sales and marketing pieces that grab the attention of your clients, to making more effective business presentations, to creating that next viral social media post.

    The course provides an in-depth look at the technology and its capabilities, and includes hands-on exercises to help participants gain practical experience.

    You will create digital art that surprises even you.



  • Introducing PROMPT ENGINEERING, the most critical aspect of developing AI-based workflows. 

    To put it simply, prompt engineering is the art of talking to AI effectively so that AI will do exactly what you want it to do.

    In Segment 3: Prompt Engineering Intensive, you will learn how to set up and optimize AI-based workflows, using EXACTLY the correct language and syntax to get the responses you want. You will learn both the principles and the practices of this important art. As an AI Super Human™️ YOU will learn how to speak to AI!

    Every company in the world now needs people skilled in Prompt Engineering. And guess what? There are simply not enough people with the appropriate skills to even begin to fill the positions that are opening up.

    In the United States now, people with basic Prompt Engineering skills are being offered starting salaries of $250,000~$350,000 per year. 

    (Compare that with starting salaries for software engineers $63,446, lawyers $68,375, or even doctors $209,190, and you can see what an amazing opportunity this is!!!) 
COMPLETE YOUR PURCHASEAI Superhuman™️ with James Skinner

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